
Deut 6:4-9
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For fifteen years after my real deal salvation experience, my relationship with Jesus had very little effect on how I lived my life. During some seasons I attended church regularly. Even read my Bible. But my heart wasn’t different. My thoughts and attitudes weren’t different. My choices weren’t different. How is it that there could be such a disconnect between my beliefs and my reality?
Ten years ago, I began to cooperate with Him and discovered that He wanted far more for me than I ever wanted for myself (John 10:10). You see, I think you and I can so easily allow the trappings of this world to distract us from God’s best. Just like in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-23) where the thorns (“the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth”) choke the life out of God’s Word in our lives, rendering it unfruitful. Unproductive. Ineffective.
That has been my story.
So now I am highly flammable about sharing the truth about how stinkin’ excellent life is with Him! The world would have us believe that life as a follower of Christ is less, diminished, boring, and restrictive. I beg to differ. I beg to tell the Truth.
And my approach isn’t fluffy and pink. It’s probably more like a good strong cup of coffee. My aim is to be real and present Truth that connects the dots between what we believe and how we live.
If you are new to these parts, you can find out more about me here. This is the third women’s study I’ve written and taught, and the heart of this one is my desire for us to be committed to knowing, loving, and following Jesus in a way that changes everything, everything, everything. EVERYTHING! How we experience a sunrise. How we treat the cashier at the convenience store. How we see ourselves when we look in the mirror. How we approach a new job situation. How we heal and how we hope. How we listen and how we love.
We will meet for three Monday nights (March 28, April 4, & April 11) from 7:00-9:00 at the Florence Civic Center – where their meeting rooms give us a couple of options for space depending on the interest level. And one thing I know and love about some super fly chicks. We like a ‘lil social time built in to our schedules, so from 7:00-7:30 we can all trickle in and chat. Teaching will run from 7:30-8:45, and we can all debrief over goodnights as we part.
You can register online here or in the left sidebar. It seriously pains me to charge anything for the study, but I need to help defray its cost. I will not profit from one cent, I promise! The study is $10 and can be paid online via Google checkout (see left sidebar), or you can email me an address request to mail a check. You are successfully registered once your registration and payment are received.
Finally, I stand in ovation to my friend, Lindsay Haselden, who designed the study logo, promo video, the online registration and payment options, flyers, and the study workbook, which you will receive on March 28. God has engineered a neat partnership out of our friendship, and I am so super thankful that He gave her crazy skillz and then plopped her down right beside me in life. Too fun! So grateful!
Enveloped in the dark tones and indie tunes of my new office – Aroma Underground. Soothing and stimulating at once. Somehow the chatter isn’t distracting. Energizing instead. It generates a connectivity – though I don’t really know anyone else here. Funny thing, I’m friends with a few on Facebook and follow one on Twitter, but we don’t even exchange glances. Though that sounds weird in words, it feels just fine in real life.
I peck away, listening with headphones, reading, thinking, planning. Focused on my four-top world and keyboard. When I notice movement down by my feet. Nothing but a fleeting change in the light. When I notice it again, I glance under my elbow to find a most precious little fellow. He fit perfectly beneath my arm and made no noise in his approach.
Beautiful. Something about his undetected presence, his quiet and stillness warmed me. I leaned in to whisper, “Hello there.”
“Hi.” He whispered back – measuring in at about three feet.
It was only a few seconds before he was called back to the gaggle of men seated by the door. And I was reminded of Scripture from that morning – Luke 9:48 – Jesus says, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is least among you all – he is the greatest.”
A sweet though momentary visit. A divine reminder. Of child-like faith, humility, and dependence.
I am going to be teaching a six-week study (for gals only) beginning September 13. Six Monday nights in a row. 7-9 pm @ Bean Groovy (in the shopping center beside Swamp Fox Cinemas).
This study was born from my own journey. I was tripped up for years and years by an incomplete, skewed, and inaccurate understanding of His character. We are incapable, in our human skins, of completely “getting” Him, but by studying who He is in His Word and who He has been and is in our lives, we can know Him in a way that completely revolutionizes how we live our lives. Seriously!!
You can register online here or in the left sidebar. It seriously pains me to charge anything for the study, but I need to help defray the cost of the location and the materials. I will not profit from one cent, I promise! The study is $10 and can be paid online via Google checkout (see left sidebar), or you can email me an address request to mail a check. You are successfully registered once your registration and payment are received. Registration will be capped at 50 participants due to limited space.
Finally, I give monster props to my friend, Lindsay Haselden, who designed the logo, the video, the online registration form, the online payment option, etc… She has mad skills, and I am soooo grateful for her encouragement and her creativity!