As if…

The 20 oz DP you purchase at a convenience store tastes far better than DP in any other form. I do not like Diet Pepsi in a can. I do not like Diet Pepsi from a concession stand. Not from a fountain, not on a mountain. Not from a cup, not with a pup. Not on ice, not with three blind mice. I do not like Diet Pepsi from a box; I do not like Diet Pepsi with a fox. Not here or there or anywhere. Oh, I’m sorry. I was having a Dr. Seuss moment, but you get the idea.
I go to my special Citgo Markette every day to buy 3-4 Diet Pepsi’s (I have seriously developed quite the rapport with my cashier friends). It is my vice, I admit (and before you go thinkin’ I’m too nuts, some of you are just as psycho about your $4.50 cup of joe, so there…). But in supreme seriousness, the gas station 20 oz has the best bang for your buck (plus 42 cents) – greatest concentration of fizz and burn.
Of course the conspiracy theorist in me believes that Pepsi has intentionally altered the taste to encourage me, the unwitting consumer, to buy the most expensive version of their product. They’ve won, I confess. But at least I’m on to ’em.
And for the record, I have had one friend confide that she too concurs with my theory (thanks, Neeter!). Think I’ve just stumbled upon Carson’s first science project – DP taste test, Hmmm…