So here I sit. As I do every Thursday. It’s dancing day. And we have dancing from 2:30-5:30 with one thirty-minute break in the middle that requires mom supervision. It’s my least fave day because I feel like I “waste life” each week as I try to quickly dash to run an errand here and there with three year-old in tow and get back before jazz class ends. Then four of us cram into the car (we have a friend with us) and munch snacks and watch about fifteen minutes of a movie, swap shoes, and run back in for ballet. It’s so fragmented and chaotic, headache-inducing, and unproductive. I take a healthy overdose of Extra-Strength Tylenol before we leave the house and try to roll with it.
Today we ended up with two overturned cans of soda, one monkey who scrambled to the back of the car refusing to get out for ballet, and one sitting helplessly in the middle totally unable to find her shoes (yep, she’s mine).
There’s really nothing that awful about it; it’s just that everything about it is so contrary to what I prefer.
So today, as I wait, I half-heartedly mourn the untimely death of my desktop hard drive. Frizzled. Frazzled. Fried. Though its unexpected passing has me concerned about my i-Tunes library, hundreds of pics, and many Word documents that have not been responsibly backed-up, the hubster’s flippant mention of a laptop has me not so heartsick after all.
‘Cause then I could blog and stalk during the dancing wait. Though my posts might turn into the dancing doldrums every week. So, consider yourself forewarned. If the laptop comment does come to fruition (doubtful at best), you may want to skip reading on Thursday 🙂
So, what do you really do when you have to wait and don’t want to “waste life”?