Date Night

Tonight was date night. But I didn’t go out with my husband – scandalous! Not so. My dear love sent me off to be courted by my Father. We went to Chili’s where we chatted over a Beth Moore Bible study (first time I’ve ever had the confidence to eat “alone” in a restaurant like that – it was way cool!), and I listened intently and hung on His every Word.

When it was time for dessert, He was the Perfect Gentleman, as always, and didn’t even try to snake any of my Chocolate Molten Cake (though we may have to revisit some of our previous conversations on gluttony 🙁 ).

After dinner we parked in the Home Depot parking lot where we just enjoyed each other’s company. We talked and listened to some tunes (and I sang some Hillsong way too loud and out of key, but He didn’t mind. He just smiled). He pointed out the view, which was stellar – a range of mountains wrapped the horizon in shades of white, grey, and pink standing against pure blue. I forgot myself. A few minutes later, I looked to enjoy it again, and it was gone. The colors had faded; the clouds had thinned. And a few minutes after that, there was nothing left but the dark blue that deepens into black. The changing and fleeting nature of His painting made it all the more fabulous! He continued to show out by igniting the night sky with a few bolts of lightning.

Is He the coolest date ever, or what? Thankful to say…

I am His and He is mine!

And thankful too for my wonderific husband for understanding my need to be alone with Him tonight.

If it had been a snake…

Don’t you love that Southern saying: “If it had been a snake it would’ve bit ya.” Had one of those experiences this morning:

I dressed at the gym yesterday, so I was unpacking my toiletries bag as I beautified this morning. I couldn’t find my comb. My purple and turquoise wide-tooth comb that I have had well over ten years. I was ticked at the thought that I had left it at the gym. It would probably still be there today, but then I would think it was gross because somebody may have used it… Funky! Anyway it wouldn’t be the same.

Well, I continued to apply my make-up, etc…, out of my bag – my bag with clear pockets. When I was almost done, I saw my comb in one of the middle pockets. Right there in plain view. I must have looked at it like twenty times while I retrieved various supplies, and I absolutely never saw it.

Jesus talked about those who see but do not perceive. My eyes saw the comb, but my brain didn’t perceive it. I don’t want to be that person. Do I see a dark, lonely, hopeless world around me and not perceive it? Do I have eyes that don’t see? Do I look into the faces of people who are far from the Lord every day and not even perceive their need or their despair.

I do, but it is so my heart’s desire to be different.