Spilling the Secret to Living Your Life Like a Boss

We are not sissies.

Or whiners.

We’re not quitters.

Or victims.

Here’s to doing the hard things in 2017.

I don’t really subscribe to the New Year’s resolution. In fact, I have vegetables in my refrigerator that will outlast most of the declarations of change blowing on the wind today.

But I am a sucker for a good starting point. The writer in me likes a rich, symbolic beginning: birthdays, anniversaries, the start of school or summer, the start of a new job…………and a new year.

So…..I’m wondering……can we make a collective commitment here for 2017? Something akin to a group resolution? Perhaps if we do it together, we might actually see it through to some sort of success. A support group for strong women who want to be stronger. If we could all persist in doing one thing that could make the most dramatic difference in our lives in the next twelve months, I think it would be this…

I will do the hard things.

This single determination will decide the impact of our 2017.

Hands down.

Without question.

So what is the landscape of “the hard things”? They’re the things that live on an incline. They’re hard to reach, and your inner naysayer will venomously suggest they require more than you have.

But you are stronger than you know. And you will only touch that by testing the bounds. By pushing you harder than you ever have.

It may look like getting healthy, losing weight, making better food choices, exercising self-discipline, running a 10K.

It may look like intentionally loving and serving a hard, distant spouse while allowing Jesus to fill your need to be loved and protected. It may look like choosing to forgive a cheating spouse for your own freedom and health. It may look like marriage counseling – with or without your spouse.

That’s the hard thing.

It may look like brave, honest, scary, big steps to beat an addiction. Maybe it’s checking yourself into rehab.

It may look like opening your mouth to someone you trust to say, “I’m drowning and I need help.” And then following through with difficult action steps.

It may be the heavy lifting of faith. Believing what we know when our feelings are screaming something different. Such unreliable wretches our feelings are.

If it feels like it may kill you, you’re probably on the right track.

It may be removing yourself from social media because the comparison and the falsehood devours your soul.

It may be doing the thing that terrifies you.

Maybe it’s a difficult confession. A secret that imprisons you with fear and lies. If I know anything, I know the haunt of the hidden. And the healing that is possible with its release.

It may be committing to get up and shower and dress every morning when the depression beckons you to stay in bed. To go outside and walk around the block for fresh air. To go to dinner with friends. When you feel like every step and every breath is a slogging through the mud of heaviness and hopelessness.

It may be making huge sacrifices to get out of debt.

It may be a dogged persistence to awaken at 5:30 to spend time with Jesus. And don’t dare tell me you can’t. We do what’s important to us. It will take a while to create that habit, so don’t cop out the first week with, “I just can’t.” Rubbish. You can do it, friend.

I will do the hard things.

And if we do great for ten days and suck on Day 11. Then we get our butts up on Day 12 and get back after it.

And if we suck for the whole month of April. Then we start again on May 1.

It’s really not how many days we win that will determine our success. It’s what we do the day after we fail that will. Failure is part of the process. Expect it. Use it. If we allow it to fuel our efforts, we will last for the long haul.

That’s the hard thing.

That’s how we change.

That’s how we LIVE.

We were made to do hard things, but we coddle our lazy, scared selves and call it self-preservation. We call it our right. We claim it as our luxury. Frightfully, we may even call it wisdom. When it’s deluded self-sabotage.

We were fashioned to do hard things.

We will dig deep, friends.

And there will be two vital principles we must espouse for success.

  1. I will not despise the day of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). This is the graveyard of dreams and goals. Look around; the headstones mark the heart’s desires of millions. In loud, showy, sparkly, sexy, BIG America, we have lost respect for the small, good thing. We think our “thing” is only valid if it impresses thousands, costs thousands, or helps thousands. Garbage. The new American Dream (big on fast, short on effort) is a societal construct not consistent with our inner fabric. Newly married couples should have houses furnished with hand-me-downs not debt. Folks trying to lose weight should celebrate two pounds a week. Folks following a dream have to wake up, believe, and work hard even when that twenty-four hours holds no signs of progress. We cannot languish in the days of small beginnings; we cannot underestimate the impact of simply sticking with a thing day after day.
  2. I will have a long-term goal with a short-term perspective. We must daily slay the temptation to feel overwhelmed. For instance, my body is vertically challenged and bent towards roundness. If I told myself, “You have to eat healthy and exercise for the rest of your life if you want to maintain a healthy weight,” I would want to quit before I started. That sounds daunting and terrible. But if I just have to do it today, that feels totally doable. I can exercise and eat healthy for one day. And then I wake up tomorrow and tell myself the same thing. Because a whole bunch of todays stapled together make a month. They make a new habit. They make a changed life.

Whatever your “thing” is for the next season of life, fight on, fierce one. I’m cheering you on all the way. I’m believing in you even when you’re not. I’ve got faith you can borrow. Because you were made for better things.

And we will not be selfish in the fight. We will not get up simply to make our lives more palatable. To be happier. To focus on me, me, me. We will use our strength to help and serve and love.

And, in the end, we will find ourselves happier, more whole, more fulfilled than we ever dreamed possible.

Here’s to doing the hard things in 2017.

30 Things that Make My Life Better

    I have never been more aware of how difficult life is than I am now.  I have people close to me who have lost children, who are walking through divorce, who live in the darkness of depression, those who have been hurt so deeply they lose all trust and embrace emotional isolation. In fact, I have been that person.  Hurting people are my people.
    So.  Every now and then.  Or honestly, more than that, in spite of the suck and the heavy, we need to savor some sweet. My life is better and richer and more enjoyable because of these rather tiny things…
  • vanilla milkshake from McDonalds (yummier than Chick-Fil-A and Bruster’s and not-as-bad-for-you, I think)
  • listening to my girls pray
  • a succinct explanation captured in just the right words (rarely happens for me…)
  • pee-in-your-pants, gasping-for-air laughter
  • an easy exercise day (not necessarily a light one – just one that’s not agony with every step)
  • small surprises (bigger ones tend to freak out the planner in me – that’s very sad, I know)
  • a big, Sunday meal cooked by my Mama (FRIED CHICKEN!!!!!)
  • people who know me and get excited to see me (as opposed to people who know me and don’t get excited to see me)
  • hormonal balance
  • dishes that don’t take long to wash
  • new episodes of Gator Boys and other favorite shows
  • good hair days
  • reading the Sunday paper
  • justice
  • new restaurants
  • the absence of fear
  • deep, deep needed sleep
  • adult Halloween parties
  • a good hard sob that leaves me with gigantic eyelids and a killer headache (not often, mind you – but there’s a purging and an honesty that takes place in that kind of cry)
  • offspring who wake up happy
  • returning home after a weekend away
  • naps
  • a completed To Do list
  • beauty
  • finding a recipe that I already have the ingredients for
  • contagious enthusiasm
  • planning vacations
  • Scripture that speaks right to my need
  • warm chocolate chip cookies
  • grace

I am thankful for my abundant life – an abundance of blessings and joys and smiles and belly laughs and tears and challenges and frustrations and freedoms and treats and twists and turns and surprises and…I am thankful for it all. But most of all I am thankful for Him who is responsible for all the good around me, for anything good in me, and for anything good that ever comes from me. He is Goodness.


Right about now. At this stage of summer. I feel like I am in the movie Groundhog’s Day.

I have been studying the Psalms this past month or so, and I have actually been fairly consistent in doing that. I am studying a chapter until I sense that the Lord is done with it before I move on. I am on Psalm 8 and will probably be in the Psalms until I outlive my teeth, but, hey, it’s not a bad place to be! Here are some of my fave verses:

  • Psalm 4:4- …, when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.// I love to snuggle down in prayer, and I so treasure when I choose to be silent and He speaks.
  • Psalm 4:6- …, Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.// What a prayer!
  • Psalm 6:3- …, How long, O LORD, how long?// How many of us can ask Him that right this minute? And our queries would cover a multitude of issues. His masterpiece is alive because He can speak to me and you with that one verse and be addressing two totally different waits. Love that!

I really dug in on Psalm 5. Oh, my goodness. “Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing.” When do we sigh? Frustrated. Tired. At wit’s end. Exasperated. Don’t know what to do next. He is even attentive to our sighs. Love that! And “[i]n the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” Certainly this is the verse that challenges me to shake off slumber to start my day with Him, and then I love the picture of waiting in expectation. That could be a definition of faith. To wait in expectation. I want to wait with great expectation! I want to be more reverent (v. 7) and for Him to lead me in His righteousness (v. 8). The imagery of His Word allows us to see Him act on our behalf; I have been praying recently that the Lord would spread His protection over my family and that He would surround us with His favor as with a shield (v. 11-12).

I am loving my new tee (beauty from ashes); you can check it out and preview the new kids’ tees at http://www.wildolivetees.com/. Thank you to my dear friend Erika for introducing me!

Sacrifice = giving up something good for something better. Following Christ has a cost. He tells us that. If we are not sacrificing anything, we aren’t getting God’s best. And not even just sacrificing something to serve Him but rather sacrificing something to know Him. To love Him more. To just be more obedient. More submitted. What is He asking you to sacrifice to know Him more intimately? Do you believe that your sacrifice will make room for His best in your life?

NewSpring Church has moved to the Florence Civic Center. Sunday mornings @ 9:15 and 11:15. Would love to see your smiling face walking through the doors…


  • I have a new favorite verse, and I’m claiming it as my life verse forever and ever and ever: Psalm 66:16- “Come and listen all you who fear God; let me tell you what HE has done for me.”
  • I’m going to Kenya for Thanksgiving!
  • I am just recognizing that I have a god-complex where my children are concerned. In error, I believe that I am completely responsible for their happiness, their safety, and their health (spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical). That’s dangerous bidness right there, ’cause that faulty belief system will leave me carrying a mountain of guilt for any unpleasantness in their lives. That’s gonna be a hard one to give up, though, ’cause I feel like I should bear the weight of that responsibility. Repeat after me if you are feelin’ me at all on this one, “We do not need to be the gods of our children’s lives. He is perfectly able to do that Himself. We want them to know that He loves them more than we ever can. He’s got this thing. I do not!”
  • I don’t really dig having the body chemistry that attracts every biting insect known to man. I am a sight these days! Kenya Fear #74: MALARIA! Though I will be taking malaria meds before, during, and after we go.
  • How in the tarnation have I forgotten how much I love 10, 000 Maniacs, Otis Redding, James Taylor, Annie Lennox, Tracy Chapman, Rod Stewart, and George Strait? Shame on me!
  • I always carry a Ziploc bag of Sweet’N Low in my purse.
  • I recently learned a brilliant piece of information. Absolutely astonishing! If you sprinkle baby powder on your arms and legs after playing on the beach, the sand will easily brush off. COMPLETELY! This is one of those tidbits that just makes me happy, and I’ve already tried it at the beach. It’s the stuff!
  • I get spastically excited about buying school supplies – definintely brings out the nerd in me!

An Assault of Thought

I am thinking all of these things simultaneously right now!

  • Being a mom is meant to change me as much as it is meant to change my children.
  • Buying that package of break-and-bake chocolate chip cookies last night was a real big mistake.
  • Am I strong or just spoiled? (Beth Moore, Esther – Yeah, that one’s a zinger!)
  • I am not an Adam Lambert fan.
  • “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” – 2 Corinthians 2:15
  • If you play a country song backwards, You get your house back
    You get your dog back
    You get your best friend Jack back
    You get your truck back
    You get your hair back
    You get your first and second wives back … 🙂 (courtesy of Rascal Flatts)
  • Children are meant to play and make messes and be slow. Why do I spend so much energy fighting against that?
  • Lord, arrest me with Jesus Christ. (BM – Esther)
  • I am really enjoying the Hannah Montana soundtrack.
  • My husband lavishly spoils me, and I love feeling that everything will always be okay if he is present.
  • The idea of a nap with no pre-determined end makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
  • I am tightly held. (BM – Esther)
  • I am very afraid of being mediocre.
  • Warm socks are year-round comfy apparel for me.
  • I am not called to an easy life. I am called to a purposeful life. (BM – Esther)
  • What will I do if it rains on the day of Campbell’s birthday party (at the park)?
  • Where should we eat tonight? It’s date night….
  • How am I currently serving the poor and oppressed?
  • WOW! The laundry sure is piled high…
  • Does anybody still read this thing?
  • I need some new music (OBVIOUSLY!); a little funky and soulful with a good beat and a deep female vocal. Anyone?
  • “The more detached and self-absorbed we become, the more we mistake annoyances for agonies.” (BM – Esther)
  • What tough decision do I need to make? Embrace the pain! (courtesy of Chris Reeder from the All Access 2009 Conference)
  • I LOVE BLOGGING! I don’t know why my brain has turned to sawdust and rarely has anything to contribute to the conversation 🙁