Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Hey, guys! I am not on another lengthy blogbatical; Campbell’s birthday and party was last week and I have two SHE articles due super soon, so I’ve just been busy (YES, there is still a mountain of laundry in my “laundry” room 🙂 I do have some things brewing in the noodle for you soon though.

Thought I’d leave you with this funny…

The girls and I were driving down the road the other day, blaring Kidz Bop 752. “Girls Just Wanna Fun” was cranked, and Campbell was singing from the far back of the truck…

I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your LITE BRITE

[chuckle, chuckle]

She had just gotten one for her birthday 🙂

Bare Feet

I love to walk around in my bare feet. I always, always have.

Of course, there is a price to pay for shoelessness, and I pay that price.

The other morning I was sitting on the floor finishing my quiet time when Campbell kinda stumbled in – still mostly cloaked in sleep. Don’t you love a puffy face on a three year-old? She fell into my lap and I just wrapped both arms around the ball of her to love her into alertness. I began to rub the soles of her feet. They are no longer tender like that of a baby. They have toughened a little. Although there’s the well-worn “smooth as a baby’s bottom” simile, I have always thought the skin of a baby’s foot is most delicate and perfect. So it was disconcerting to discover one more way my littleness of a girl is no longer a baby.

Life can sometimes to do that to us, huh? Toughen us. Harden us. Make us calloused. Closed.

Ezekiel 36:26 – I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

Psalm 95: 7b-8 – Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…

For Pete’s Sake…

Enough Disney pics, for Pete’s sake…
But I had just a few more that you needed to enjoy.

How much fun are they having? – reckless stroller driving

How cool is she?

How sweet is he? – to dance with his princess in the Block Party Bash – Love him!

No more, I promise!

Thanksgiving Greetings…

Thanksgiving Greetings from the Sunshine State! Sorry I haven’t updated sooner, but I was out of commission yesterday. Slept for 24 hours straight – not by choice 🙁 We’re all well now, I think. Very, very afraid to say that…

Join me for a day at Magic Kingdom; there are lots of pics, so this one is truly for the interested. Otherwise, I might lose you before we’re too far out of the parking lot…