Connect the Dots

Categories:Tell the Truth
I have written and will be teaching a women’s study entitled, Tell the Truth: Getting Real about Being the Real Deal (get the scoop here). As a teacher, all I know to teach is what Jesus has taught me:

For fifteen years after my real deal salvation experience, my relationship with Jesus had very little effect on how I lived my life. During some seasons I attended church regularly. Even read my Bible. But my heart wasn’t different. My thoughts and attitudes weren’t different. My choices weren’t different. How is it that there could be such a disconnect between my beliefs and my reality?

Ten years ago, I began to cooperate with Him and discovered that He wanted far more for me than I ever wanted for myself (John 10:10). You see, I think you and I can so easily allow the trappings of this world to distract us from God’s best. Just like in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-23) where the thorns (“the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth”) choke the life out of God’s Word in our lives, rendering it unfruitful. Unproductive. Ineffective.

That has been my story.

And sometimes it still is.

So now I am highly flammable about sharing the truth about how stinkin’ excellent life is with Him! The world would have us believe that life as a follower of Christ is less, diminished, boring, and restrictive. I beg to differ. I beg to tell the Truth.

And my approach isn’t fluffy and pink. It’s probably more like a good strong cup of coffee. My aim is to be real and present Truth that connects the dots between what we believe and how we live.

Life is gritty.
The Bible is true.
Jesus is real.
Women are strong.
Let’s do this thing! I would love for you to join me!

*If you are planning to register for the study (you can do that here), please do so by March 20 to ensure that you have a workbook on the first night. We will be printing a few extras for those who register after the 20th…

Tell the Truth


  1. lindzhaselden
    March 4, 2011 at 1:44 am

    Love that your teaching this next study! Love how I can hear you speak when I read something you’ve written! Super love how He speaks to me through the wisdom in your words! And super thankful I have the privelage of calling you friend!

  2. Mary Nell
    Mary Nell
    March 14, 2011 at 1:07 am

    Please print me a copy–I really will pay! I have been so very blessed by the last two studies that you sent me! I am so blessed by how you are allowing God to use you!

  3. Ashlynn M.
    Ashlynn M.
    March 15, 2011 at 5:21 pm

    I need a good strong dose of God, and Jesus! Definitely been struggling. I am truly looking forward to attending your study! 🙂