Five Sparrows

Tenacious Grace is on mission to bring a free two-year recovery residence, Five Sparrows, to the Pee Dee area, providing female survivors of abuse, poverty, addiction, and prostitution a safe place to write a new story with Jesus.

Through Five Sparrows, our goal is to offer spiritual, mental, physical, and practical support: counseling, access to recovery programs, life skills, employment assistance, Bible studies, etc… We will champion women who have never been championed.

Ways you can get involved:

  • hosting a coffee circle – inviting your friends and family together to learn more about our ministry and how to get involved. You provide the location, guests, and refreshments, and we will come share the vision, plan, and our progress towards bringing Five Sparrows to our community. Fill out this form to schedule a coffee circle or other fundraising event.
  • donating to the ministry. Tenacious Grace is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
  • becoming a monthly contributor by setting up recurring donations via paypal.
  • join our email list to stay up-to-date on information and opportunities with Five Sparrows.
Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young at a place near your altar, Lord of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God!
-Psalm 84:3

You can read this blog post to learn more about the heart and need for Five Sparrows in our community. Or watch the video below to hear Cookie Cawthon share the vision of Five Sparrows (video taken from the most recent MARCH men’s conference in Florence, SC).