Runnin’ on Sunshine

I lay in bed this morning having my a.m. cup of inner conflict. Run or not? Most of me was screaming, “Not!” But somehow the best choice won this round (a phenomenon that hasn’t been happening all that often lately). So I headed out on the Rail Trail this radiant fall morning; it was stunning and still and fresh.

It could not have been better. And then I ran by this bench – which seemed so out of place. It was like someone sounding an airhorn in the midst of a wedding.

Oh, that I never get so lost in my own sunshine that I forget that people around me are hurting.

And then there was this wild petunia. Of the two-mile stretch I ran to and fro, there was brown and green a plenty – and some gold. And then there was this wild petunia – this moment of color. Isn’t that so like Him?

Our Not So Favorite Things...
Sweet Child of Mine


  1. Gina
    October 8, 2008 at 2:42 am

    I am loving the song titled blogs lately, but I have a suggestion: why don’t you have the song playing as we read your blog? That would be too cool!!

  2. Cookie Cawthon
    October 8, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    Hey, Geener! My new layout (with the sidebar on the right) doesn’t allow me to put music over there (it interferes with the post), and I’m not usually a fan of music autoplay on a blog. I could put the song in the post and allow you to play it as you read. Thanks for the suggestion, and to be honest I hadn’t even realized the song title motif I had goin’ on. Guess that was coming out subconsciously… Have a great week, girl!

  3. Susanne
    October 8, 2008 at 1:44 pm

    Great post my friend! May we never forget, in the midst of our own “stuff” that there are those who need us, and need the soothing balm we have to give! Happy Hump Day!!!

  4. Scarlett
    October 9, 2008 at 2:21 am

    Great post….in the “Grand Race of Life” how often we get caught up counting the laps that we fail to hear the crys for help or see the lovely petunias He plants for us!! Great reminder to keep our eyes open as we press toward the mark!

  5. Angie
    October 9, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    LOVE that line–“oh that I never get so lost in my own sunshine that I forget that people around me are hurting.” So true. So convicting. What a great post.