Cookie Cawthon is a writer and speaker who loves to share her story of Jesus’s fierce love, unfailing faithfulness, and tenacious grace. She has written and led many women’s Bible Studies; been a guest speaker at women’s conferences; and been blessed with the opportunity to share her story at several churches and ministries of all sizes — from small groups, to a detention center, to a church for the homeless, to a megachurch.
She would love the opportunity to serve your church, ministry, or organization.
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I have had the blessing of hearing Cookie speak on two different occasions, once during a Sunday morning worship service and more recently at M*A*R*C*H, a men’s event in Florence, SC in early September. Cookie was the only female presenter on a roster of six for the evening and she stole the show! She has the ability to connect at a real heart level with passion, humor, and insight that can only come from both living through difficult personal challenges and processing them in light of God’s Word in a personal relationship with Jesus. Would love to hear her again!
Greg Buffkin, M*A*R*C*H men’s conference attendee
We loved having Cookie come and speak truth into the lives of our students. She was able to weave biblical truth together with her personal life experiences to communicate the message of the Gospel in a way that was clear, creative, and powerful.
Kendal Danford, Campus Minister (Baptist Collegiate Ministry)
I’ve had the privilege to attend two studies by Cookie. She is an awesome teacher and speaker. She is the real deal and has a true heart for God. She also spoke at our WMU meeting, and the ladies loved her.”
–Sherri Owens, Evergreen Baptist Church, WMU Director
Cookie Cawthon speaks with a fervor for Jesus that convinces EVERY listener of Almighty God’s transforming power! She teaches straight from the Scriptures and points everyone to the One who loves, forgives, and rescues for ETERNITY! Those served by Cookie gain an increased spiritual hunger for the God of the Universe!
–Rita Russell, Florence County Detention Center Ministry Team
Cookie Cawthon’s ability to speak genuinely and from the heart changed my life. I had never heard the gospel so clearly than when she shared her testimony at NewSpring Church. Her obedience to Jesus in everything she does is contagious and I’m thankful I was just one small person in the room that day who experienced the goodness of Jesus because of her story. Her vulnerability on stage forced the hardened walls around my heart to fall and allowed Jesus to step in and heal my regrets, my hurt, and my shortcomings. Without Cookie, my life wouldn’t be as full as it is.”
–Caroline Cann, in attendance at NewSpring Church, November 25, 2012