Who’s Your Daddy?

Categories:Who's Your Daddy

I’m back at it and would love for you to join me!!!

I am going to be teaching a six-week study (for gals only) beginning September 13. Six Monday nights in a row. 7-9 pm @ Bean Groovy (in the shopping center beside Swamp Fox Cinemas).


This study was born from my own journey. I was tripped up for years and years by an incomplete, skewed, and inaccurate understanding of His character. We are incapable, in our human skins, of completely “getting” Him, but by studying who He is in His Word and who He has been and is in our lives, we can know Him in a way that completely revolutionizes how we live our lives. Seriously!!

We cannot allow negative church experiences to define who He is to us. I remember standing – as a nine year-old – crying with one ear pierced. I was certain that I’d be most unwelcome in my grandmother’s church with pierced ears. I also wore pants and had divorced parents. Three strikes against me then. I knew I was out for sure.
We cannot allow other Christians to define who He is to us. I have met some pretty cold and mean-spirited folks in churches. I was abused as a child by a man who was highly esteemed in his church. I have seen church families ripped to shreds by dissension. That stuff will mess you up – if you allow your view of God to be wrapped up in all of that human yuck.
We must allow Him to define Himself through His own Words and His own faithfulness in our lives. And when we do, we will discover that He is more attentive and communicative than we can grasp and far greater than we ever imagined. We will discover that His healing is complete and useful and His love is tender and astounding. He’s everything that a girl longs for… Come discover Him with me!

You can register online here or in the left sidebar. It seriously pains me to charge anything for the study, but I need to help defray the cost of the location and the materials. I will not profit from one cent, I promise! The study is $10 and can be paid online via Google checkout (see left sidebar), or you can email me an address request to mail a check. You are successfully registered once your registration and payment are received. Registration will be capped at 50 participants due to limited space.

Finally, I give monster props to my friend, Lindsay Haselden, who designed the logo, the video, the online registration form, the online payment option, etc… She has mad skills, and I am soooo grateful for her encouragement and her creativity!

Beautiful Fellow
The Purpose of Excess


  1. Anonymous
    August 18, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    So excited to hear what my Daddy has to say thru you!!! Proud of you for obeying Him! Luv,luv! -T

  2. lindzhaselden
    August 18, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    Super excited!!! Can’t wait till September! 🙂